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From Tokyo to Truth: An International Journey of Faith

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#1 Written by Yasuyuki Kamata (Lead Staff for Kanto Region)

When I started my graduate studies in Chicago about 20 years ago, I was not a Christian, and had three objectives in mind: First, to get a degree.  Second, to get a job.  And third, to not go back to Japan again.  Well, here I am, 20 years later, as a follower of Jesus, living and working in Tokyo with students.  How did that happen?  

One reason that I went abroad for graduate studies was to pursue an opportunity for greater learning.  But another reason was so that I could change myself.  During my college years, I was frustrated frequently by my foolishness, cowardice, and lack of conviction.  Going abroad was an attempt to change my environment so that I could be a better person.  

However, even if you change the environment, you don’t really change.  That truth struck me a few weeks after I started my time in the US.  It was very discouraging and infuriating. 

The following Sunday, I talked about that with a person at the church I had just started attending.  I didn’t grow up going to church, but through studying at a Christian undergraduate institution in Japan, I made a quiet resolution to start attending one once I got to the States.   This was my second week at the church.  

After I shared about my discouragement, the person prayed for me.  Suddenly, there was an overwhelming sense of peace and warmth that came upon me.  I was crying.  I didn’t know what happened, but in hindsight, it was the presence of God.  After that experience, I decided to keep coming back.  I kept attending, and through the preaching, the Gospel started to make sense.  I was alienated from God because of my sin.  But Jesus Christ died for me on the cross and was raised from death on the third day, so that my sins may be forgiven, that I may have new life and that we may be sent out into the world for the sake of his kingdom.  I also found how Christians lived attractive. A few months after I started attending the church, I was asked if I would like to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  I could not think of anything that stopped me from saying “yes”.  6 months later I was baptized.  

This church was located close to a university and it was committed to investing in young people for the sake of the Gospel.  After finishing my MA degree, I spent a year as an intern at the church.  There I had an opportunity to grow in my faith and be deeply involved in the life of the church.  I also found myself making friends with many people who had been involved with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA, a campus ministry.  

Following the internship year, I enrolled in seminary.  During my degree program, I completed my field education requirement through serving with InterVarsity, after attending Urbana 06, InterVarsity’s missions conference.  The InterVarsity experience eventually led to an invitation from KGK to serve in Japan as a campus minister.  

So here I am, 20 years later, living as a follower of Jesus and serving students in Japan.  It is surprising that over half of my time as a follower of Jesus has been as a KGK staff.  My prayer is that God may be glorified on Japanese campuses through students finding delight and satisfaction in him.  

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